Faith Teaching Letters

As a Man Thinks in His Heart so is He

“As a man thinks in his heart, so he is” refers to the profound influence that our inner beliefs and subconscious thoughts have on our identity and actions. This concept, often attributed to Proverbs 23:7 in the Bible, underscores the notion that our deepest, most intrinsic thoughts shape who we are and how we live our lives.

Your subconscious mind, often referred to as your “heart” in a metaphorical sense, is a powerful force. It’s the repository of your beliefs, desires, and deeply held convictions—many of which operate beneath the level of conscious awareness. This inner realm influences how you perceive the world, how you respond to challenges, and how you interact with others.

When we say that “whoever controls your heart controls you,” it implies that those who have access to and influence over your subconscious mind can profoundly affect your behaviour and decisions. This can be seen in various contexts:

  1. Self-Perception and Identity: Your self-image, which resides in the subconscious, dictates how you view yourself and your potential. If you believe deeply in your own worth and capabilities, you are more likely to pursue goals with confidence and resilience. Conversely, negative self-beliefs can limit your potential and lead to self-sabotage.
  2. Emotional Responses: Subconscious beliefs influence your emotional reactions. For example, if you have ingrained fears or insecurities, they can manifest in anxiety or defensive behaviors. Understanding and reshaping these deep-seated beliefs can lead to healthier emotional responses.
  3. Behavioural Patterns: Subconscious programming often drives habits and automatic responses. Positive reinforcement and consistent practice can help rewire your subconscious to adopt more constructive habits, whereas negative or harmful beliefs can perpetuate detrimental patterns.
  4. Influence of Others: People and experiences that impact your subconscious can shape your values and behaviors. For instance, influential mentors, cultural norms, or even media messages can embed themselves in your subconscious, guiding your decisions and actions.

Recognising that your subconscious mind controls many aspects of your life opens up the possibility for intentional change. By becoming more aware of your inner beliefs and actively working to align them with your desired goals and values, you can regain control over your actions and direction in life. Techniques such as mindfulness, affirmations, and cognitive restructuring are tools that can help you consciously influence and shape your subconscious mind.

Ultimately, the phrase “As a man thinks in his heart, so he is” serves as a reminder of the power of internal thoughts and beliefs. It emphasises the importance of nurturing a positive and self-affirming inner dialogue, as it plays a crucial role in shaping the person you become.